katie brandl freelance digital marketing

My story goes a little something like this:

Massachusetts via South Florida and now currently residing in Denver, CO.

and oh yeah, I've always loved the business of retail and marketing.

The End.

Joking! but in all honesty the psychology, science,

and why people buy has always fascinated me.  

This slight obsession lead me to a career in strategic marketing

for whole foods market and then starting my own company.

I thrive in a creative and challenging environment.  

I believe in staying true to oneself, yet I'm always drawn to new things.

i inspire brands to step beyond their business and think like their customers.

When I'm not in ‘the office’

I find joy in culinary experimentation, exploring local cultures,

pursuing my passion project SHOP | SLO®,

and dining at the newest restaurants in the Mile High City. 

katie brandl business marketing.jpg

In Order to Write about life first you must live it.
— ernest hemingway


